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6 Questions with our Head of Technical Client Success

Since joining Trayport over 12 years ago, Chloe Westhead our Head of Technical Client Success has played a key role in ensuring our clients derive the greatest possible value from the use of our products and services. Earlier this month we sat down with Chloe to find out what’s involved in being part of a dedicated Technical Client Managers and Support (TCMS) team.

Chloe Westhead

What is your role, where did you start off at Trayport and how does your role fit within TCMS?

I’m Chloe Westhead, I’m the Head of Technical Client Success and I have worked at Trayport since June 2010. I joined as a fresh Computer Science graduate and worked with our trader clients as a Technical Consultant. I have progressed through the ranks within TCMS and I now manage the Technical Client Management and Support teams in London and Singapore for all of our clients.

What role does TCMS play in Trayport?

TCMS is the voice of our clients. Our traders, brokers and exchange clients call and email us when they need product information, training, new products launched, incidents resolved, etc. The TCMS team covers the full suite of products which encompasses a wide range of tasks and responsibilities. This requires us to interface with almost every team across the business on a daily basis to ensure our clients’ requirements are continually met.

What are some interesting challenges employees have within the team?

The wide variety of client issues and the differing levels of complexity allow the team to demonstrate their troubleshooting skills across our product suite. However, this introduces the challenge of learning our products and services in-depth, which takes time and dedication, to continue to provide the high-quality support service our clients expect from us.

How do people progress their role and career within the team?

The role can be demanding, challenging and mentally draining at times. However, with that comes the sense of achievement and reward when you solve that tricky problem and have a happy and satisfied client or deliver that feature or bug fix the client asked for. You need to truly keep the client’s needs at the forefront, our clients come first and you will progress your career within the team if you deliver on that promise.

Why would you recommend working within the TCMS team?

We foster a close-knit, supportive, encouraging and fun working culture within the TCMS team. You will make friends for life at Trayport and continuously learn new things about the energy markets, our clients and their challenges and how our products and services can support them. It is a fantastic opportunity to develop your knowledge and skills during the first few years of your career and many members of TCMS have moved into various areas of the business once they have spent several years working through the ranks of TCMS.

What advice would you give anyone looking for a job within TCMS?

It’s important to understand who our clients are, what services we offer and where Trayport sits within the energy markets sphere. You need to have the mindset that the client comes first, understand the urgency of their support requests and be able to cope under pressure. Once you join the team, it’s a steep learning curve and requires dedication and focus. Your colleagues will support you throughout your initial period and beyond and will guide you through the stages of your career in TCMS. 

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Brendan Hughes
Head of Recruitment