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Celebrating the Wonderful Women of Trayport

We love any reason to celebrate our people!

And in celebration of International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, we wanted to highlight two of the great Trayport women adding tremendous value to our business and helping make Trayport tick.

We interviewed our Head of People, Caroline Greer, and our Head of Operations and Strategy Execution, Aine Boles, to learn more about their professional experiences and their take on how we can create an equal workplace. Both have different Trayport experiences, but bring exceptional value to their role, teams and the wider business.

We’re very proud of our culture of inclusivity, respect, and appreciation. Suffice to say we didn’t need much motivation to celebrate our great team of women, but we’ll take every opportunity.

Caroline Greer - Trayport Head of People
Aine Boles - Trayport Head of Operations & Strategic Execution

Please introduce yourself by sharing an anecdote or an experience, personal or professional, that has made you who you are today.

Caroline – My career in HR is the result of a happy accident. I intended to be a Politician, but after studying politics for 3 years I realised I didn’t have the stomach for the scrutiny of the British media (!) so I finished University without any idea of what I was going to do next. I did a variety of administrative jobs to pay the bills until I was interviewed by a HR Director for a temporary job as her Personal Assistant. It was the first time I was interviewed by someone I could imagine wanting to become – her name was Sarah Dormer. A clever, kind, successful woman. Today there are many more ‘Sarah’s’ in business generally than there were when I started out. Not enough, but we are getting there.

Aine –  I have worked here for 9 years. I don’t think I have one specific anecdote or a particular experience that has made me who I am but I am Irish and I believe that my time spent growing up in rural Ireland has really shaped me, both personally and professionally. If you google my name you will find a series of awards for traditional Irish music competitions throughout my childhood and I can safely say that I love all things related to Irish culture. I visit Ireland at least once a month to see my friends and family, and of course, for the weather. I believe it is this close link to home that keeps me grounded and has made me who I am today.

What is one piece of advice you would give young women who would like to learn from your career?

CarolineTreat your career not as a marathon, but as a series of chapters. There are key hinge moments – first rejection for a job, first big success, first child. How we respond to those moments is decisive. And that’s where hearing the stories, voices and advice of others (men as well as women) who came before or are running alongside us is so valuable.

Aine –  Don’t be afraid to ask for or go after the career development or experience that you require and don’t be afraid to put your hand up for more work. From the early stages of my career I was certain of the path that I wanted to pursue and structured my master’s programme and internal/external networks around this. I also sought out various mentors who I felt could really push me to think in new and challenging ways. I have always looked for challenges from different backgrounds and experience areas and still use these encounters as opportunities to widen my horizon and thought processes.

How can men empower and support women in their careers?

Caroline – Although more men are taking advantage of shared parental leave, it does remain largely a female domain. Supporting women on return, being flexible in working patterns and understanding the additional burden this stage of life can be on both parents will breed confidence, trust, and engagement in the longer term.

Aine –  I think men can empower and support women in their careers in exactly the same way that they empower men within their careers. Working at Trayport, I feel that I have been very fortunate to work for business leaders who have recognised and encouraged hard work, knowledge acquisition and results over gender. 

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

Caroline –  To me this day is about celebrating the progress made by many talented, determined women and ensuring I continue to champion success and call out bias when I see it. I want my 3-year-old son and 1-year old daughter to grow up in a world where the same doors are open to them both. 

Aine –  I believe that International Women’s day is a useful reflection point for both women and men to consider the achievements of women in light of political, social and economic norms over time. It is also a useful reflection point to ensure that gender inequality does not form part of daily routines. 

How can each one of us help create a gender-equal world?

Aine –  By acknowledging that men and women are different but deserving of equal treatment in all situations. All of our contributions are relevant, irrespective of gender. We live in a world where human existence is reliant on both men and women working together and supporting one another. I believe that this is deserving of mutual respect and equality.

We also celebrated International Women’s Day in London and Vienna with a womens lunch.

International Women's Day Lunch London | Trayport
International Women's Day Lunch London | Trayport
Jessica Peckett
Marketing Manager - a company culture enthusiast, strategist, and fan of tech and marketing operations