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Trayport commodity markets and execution venues

Market Matrix

Trayport is the primary network and data platform for European wholesale energy markets. Our network and solutions provide choice and support the growth of our trader, broker and exchange clients and trading markets. See below for an overview of Trayport’s network connectivity and the commodity markets that our solutions enable users to access.

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Natural Gas
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Natural Gas+
Austrian - Belgian - Bulgarian - Croatian - Czech - French - German - Dutch - Hungarian - Italian - Irish - Japanese - Nordics* - Polish - Portuguese - Romanian - Spanish - Swiss - Turkish - UK - NBP - ZTP/ZTP Lo/ Zeeb - TTF - Spanish VTP (PVB) - PEG - THE - Bulgarian Gas - CEGH VTP - HVP - Romanian - Italy (PSV) - Danish VTP - Czech VTP -
Intraday Market
Exchanges (CIM) -EEXS (incl CEGH and GPN)                        
-EPEX Spot                        
Forwards and Futures Exchanges (F&F) -Balkan Gas Hub                                
-Bulgarian Energy Trading Platform                                
-Intercontinental Exchange (ICE)                               
-ICE ENDEX                            
Brokers -42 Financial                   
-BGC Partners                
-Griffin Markets            
-Marex Spectron         
-Tradition Singapore Pte Ltd                                
-Tullett Prebon        

* Nordics for Nordpool incl. Estonia, Finland, Latvia & Lithuania

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