Throughout the month of September, we invited colleagues across London, Vienna and Singapore to make an impact and see first-hand the difference we can make within our local communities.

Willing Hearts, Singapore
Our team in Singapore supported Willing Hearts who operate a soup kitchen that prepares, cooks and distributes about 11,000 daily meals that covers 70 locations island wide throughout the year to those who need it most.
The team helped prepare the meals throughout the day with a smile on their faces.
The Pembury Loop, UK
The Pembury team worked hard to restore some dining chairs and a chest of drawers that had seen better days, and brought them back to life!
The Pembury Loop aims to reduce items in the local neighbourhood going to landfill, whilst also providing the ability to teach people in the area furniture restoration skills. All the money made from selling the restored items is fed back into the training for residents.

Green Heroes, Austria
Green Heroes is an Austrian environmental and nature conservation association for the promotion of awareness in the field of waste avoidance and disposal.
On Clean Up day in Vienna, a team of 5 people collected rubbish in the Donauinsel area. In total around 50kg of rubbish was collected and sorted by category. Each corporate cleanup or team building helps to support a cleanup in a school classroom.
“This was an eye-opening experience! The lovely representatives of Green Heroes told us that it takes several decades for cigarette butts to degrade, and it is a danger for all the animals in the rivers. It is all our responsibility to educate and help others to be more aware when they drop rubbish that there are consequences. I learnt that my colleagues are dedicated and care about the environment, we worked together and collected several bags of rubbish!”
Cemile Gueney, Delivery Manager
Stepney City Farm, UK
The Farm team got to spend time looking after the animals, harvesting fresh fruit and vegetables in the allotments, and managing the ever growing compost heap!
Not only does Stepney City Farm provide a green space for those in the local community, but it operates as an educational charity teaching children and adults how to care for animals, how to grow food, and try out arts and crafts!