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Top 3 Reasons Why We Loved EuroPython 2020

EuroPython began in 2002, labelled as the first ever Python programming language community conference. Here we are 18 years on, with the event attracting the best of the best and deemed as the main European hub for programmers, students and companies who use Python. 

Here at Trayport, we develop software to support the growth of our clients and trading markets. Our solutions are used worldwide by traders, brokers and exchanges in multiple asset classes across OTC and cleared markets. Participating at EuroPython is invaluable for us to grow, be challenged and to meet with other Python enthusiasts.  

We are fascinated and passionate about Python, it’s adaptable, flexible and we use it to implement trading algorithms and back-test trading models.  Python helps us quickly identify opportunities and dive into complex projects, it’s a language we are continually learning and developing with.

Unmistakably, this year has been turbulent and out of the ordinary, where most of us haven’t left our homes.  So instead of boarding flights to Dublin to dive into all things Python, we got another coffee, and logged onto Discord and Zoom to participate in EuroPython 2020.  

Even with EuroPython being entirely online, here are the top 3 reasons why we loved it:

1. Networking with python developers

Despite not having an exhibition hall where we could meet face to face, we had a channel on Discord where we could talk to many like-minded participants.  Likewise, there were many opportunities to visit other channels related to specific topics of interest and be a part of topical conversations.   Similarly, with the event running online, it opened up opportunities for people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to make the event due to time or location restraints, which we thought was pretty cool.  

2. Access to leading experts 

Our team loved the agenda for 2020, there was so much fascinating content, and here are just a few of our favourites:

Vincent D. Warmerdam (Rasa) on Why Transformers Work
We loved hearing from Vincent, he covered the foundations of machine learning algorithms inside of Rasa (open source machine learning framework for building chatbots and AI assistants), and covered why RNNs have been replaced by the transformer, including the use-case in natural language processing and dialogue handling. We were fascinated by his approach and enjoyed his style!  

Bence Arató  on The Python Data Visualization Landscape in 2020
Bence was a fascinating speaker, he covered the most important visualisation libraries, specifically Altair, Bokeh, Matplotlib and Plotly.  He provided in-depth reasoning as to why each library was important, highlighting key attributes and features which make them outstanding solutions.

Anmol Krishan Sachdeva on Painting with GANs: Challenges and Technicalities of Neural Style Transfer
Anmol hosted a session on deep learning and generative adversarial advancements, specifically on a technique called “Neural Style Transfer” and how we can teach machines on how to paint images and use Style Transfer networks to initiate artistic artefacts.  One word, wow! 

3. Hosting an AI challenge – nothing stops us!   

Our team adores any opportunity for a challenge, and we took great pleasure in hosting a session on predicting the number of ice-cream sales over a set period.  The team really enjoyed being able to interact with participants and talk all things Python, despite being online, they all loved it!  

EuroPython responded quickly to the global pandemic and adapted the format online.  We, like, the rest of the participants we interacted with, were grateful the organisers moved the event to an online forum, so we could still meet to collaborate, share, and learn from each other.  

It’s said there are over 8 million Python users in the world and growing. The ability to attend a EuroPython event in the midst of a global pandemic was encouraging and exciting for Python enthusiasts.  We were incredibly grateful for the organisers to respond so quickly. Look forward to seeing you next year!  

Christian Burger
Head of Development, Austria